Affirmative Action Policy Should Not Continue

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Is the Affirmative Action policy, a policy to not continue because of its benefits for people of different race or culture, or not to continue do to the reverse discrimination of all parties present? Due to the Affirmative Action policy people may over abused that power in work or schooling places to their advantage.
This policy is a grantee to give advantages for those who need the education or occupation. These advantages to whom would need is unnecessary because is a minority we would assume that they possible need help with applying to work or schooling. There has been employment policies/practices with prohibited people or employers from judging people because of “his or her race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity, sexual orientation, and pregnancy), national origin, age (40 or older), disability or genetic information”(U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, n/d).
Adding that in schools that it would not matter to the head of the board if you were a minority, but if you showed promise, fine grades, and willing to go to their school you will surely be accepted. Any racial or discriminating actions is never prohibited. …show more content…

Such as an example of stereotypes is “Any time a program exists that allows someone to obtain a position in a school or a workplace, a foundation of minority-based stereotypes can be built. Even if all people are qualified, Affirmative Action comes from the perspective that women or minorities are “inferior” to white men, which promotes a superior attitude from the majority class. For such a program to succeed, it must come from a viewpoint of pure equality” (Viitana,