Aflac Mission Statement Essay

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Unit 2 - Writing Assignment Brenno Da Mota Bus 1101 Aflac Mission Statement: ‘’To combine aggressive strategic marketing with quality products and services at competitive prices to provide the best insurance value for consumers.’’ ( Aflac is an American based company that offers insurance to individuals throughout the world. Aflac’s main business is dealing with life and health policies specifically with cancer. With the expenses that are not paid by other insurances companies, Aflac’s goal is to cover those cost by reimbursing the consumers so that they get to control the settlement. With protection for over fifty million people worldwide, Aflac makes sure they put their customers first. As mentioned in their mission …show more content…

To really know what Aflac does you need to head over the ‘’Our Company’’ section. Over there you will get the history of the company to the management team. Even to the Aflac Duck mascot about page. On the company page they have the summary of the business operations and the strategies. In this section they talk about protecting consumers against asset and income loss as well as supplement medical expenses. They even have a name for their exemplary solutions to consumers which is ‘’The Aflac Way’’. Aflac’s main consumers come from the United States and Japan. With Aflac being the number one insurance provider in the Japan. Later, When i went to the history section, the page still stayed true to the mission statement in terms of having a ‘’strategic marketing’’. It wasn’t till the year 200 that Aflac introduced to the world the Aflac Duck, but as soon as they did, it was an instant success. The Aflac Duck then became the new face of all advertising campaigns till this day. Shortly after, Aflac changed the logo to add the Aflac Duck and launched in Japan. Only to become the Number 1 life insurance provider in Japan in 2003. In conclusion, I do believe Aflac is true to it’s name and to the mission statement it has.

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