Essay On African Lion

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Modern animal: African Lion
Lions (Panthera Leo) are the only species of cats that live together in groups, which are known as prides. Prides can consist of as little as only three creatures, and up to more than forty. They are one of the four larger cats in the family of genus Panthera, being the second largest within the cat species, after the tiger.

Lions are mainly found in Africa, but can also be found in areas such as Asia and India. They favour conditions that are similar to the Sahara desert in Africa where it is extremely hot and dry. The animal usually forms their home n dens and lairs and they can also live under cool conditions even when they are adapted to endure the hot climate.

Structural: Sharp teeth
The most obvious …show more content…

This also explains why they adapted to have such thick fur and small ears, to lock in the internal heat as the lion do not have control of the temperature of their external body. Being warm blooded helps them to stay alive as they can still keep themselves warm without relying on the conditions of the environment they live in.

Future animal: Chione Lion
The Future Lion, Panthera Leo Nix (Lion of snow) or more commonly known as the Chione Lion is an endangered animal in 2111, being the only lion species that is still alive on Earth. The Lion received its name from the Greek snow goddess, Chione. In 2100, Earth went through another wave of ice age, the average temperature of Earth went down by 20 degrees, hence many species either became extinct or had to adapt to this harsh environment.

Due to the extreme hot weather in around the 2080s and the extreme hunting by the Africans the lions in Africa were already extinct. The Lion is found in many areas in Asia, especially in China. Since the mountain regions are dominating Asia, the species have evolved to adapt to the mountainous conditions where it is also extremely cold due to the ice age.

Structural: thick fur and