Africans: Why Did We Use African Americans?

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Why did we use Africans? One reason the colonists turned to using africans to work on their plantations is because after native americans became close to europeans they got diseases and it was killing off some of their population.When the native american population was decreasing they needed more people to work for them so they started using Africans. The middle passage was when colonists sailed across the Atlantic ocean and packed slaves into cargo ships. Another reason they used slaves is because Africans came from a very hot place so when it was hot where the colonists live they could work longer because they were used to the heat beating down on them. According to the abolition project (2009) Children whose parents were enslaved became slaves as well. According to United States History(2012)Colonial leaders across the Americas developed laws that regulated slave treatment and behavior. Most of the time during the slave trade families were split apart. One way slaves expressed themselves is through art and dancing. These two expressions were highly influenced in african cultures. Another expression is religion this helped the slaves feel like they were free from their owners. Usually the religion they practiced was christianity and also there was things added that tied in with their african cultures. …show more content…

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