Ageas Mission Statement

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RIAS marketing has carried out extensive market research using online and direct surveys as well as existing customer feedback (Voice of the customer platforms and Trust pilot) to create a tailored approach to these attitudes. This has given them a strong understanding of how its customer base makes its decisions on which provider to select and how they can influence that provider to be RIAS.

The result of this market research has identified that Brand Presence and recommendations/ratings from independent financial information businesses, such as DEFAQTO [10], are key contributors to identifying and winning new customers.

• Brand Presence

Research carried out by Huang, Rong & Sarigollu, Emine. (2012), confirm that brand awareness “has a positive correlation with brand forming part of the consumer decision making.” [11] …show more content…

Their joint mission statement is “Making insurance easy and straightforward for our customers” [12].

RIAS markets this mission statement to their target demographic brand as being a provider of “Insurance…designed to help save you money, without…compromise on quality. We place importance on giving you peace of mind, at all times.” [13] This is used to help RIAS create its own strong, independent brand presence separate to that of Ageas (UK) Ltd. This is because Ageas is not established as a household name; being one of the leading insurers in the Broker market.

When it comes to brand presence, the RIAS marketing team apply a long-term goal of increasing brand awareness rather than expecting immediate responses to these marketing activities. The marketing function has found that they continue to establish and re-enforce their brand presence, ultimately increasing the volume of new customers, by utilising marketing channels that tailor to their target demographic, i.e. Television and