Agueda Iglesias Johnston During The Vietnam War

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Not only was Johnston a patriotic leader, she was also a civic leader. During the war, Johnston worked hard to establish a Guam Museum in 1937 with the American Legion Mid-Pacific Post. She worked hard to preserve the Chamorro language and culture. With the help of a fellow Navy wife, Frances Darr, Agueda Johnston started the first Girl Scouts Troop on Guam and serving as its first president (Delisle 185). Johnston soon, with the help of her daughters, Margaret and Marian, opened the first beauty shop on Guam (Kathy 133). She would often share beauty tips on weekends at her shop. Agueda Iglesias Johnston was a pioneer in beauty culture in Guam, and she would often host pageants, fashion shows, and many different performances for the Navy. Johnston …show more content…

She proved her patriotism towards the Americans by aiding the U.S Navy radioman George Tweed, knowing full well that she is putting her life in jeopardy. Even though she was held captive and tortured alongside with her family members, she did not give out any information on George Tweed’s whereabouts. She vowed that should would rather die than to tell the Japanese anything. In the end, her courage and strength prevailed, and she was eventually freed by the Japanese. Not only did she take a stand in fighting against the Japanese, but she also took a stand in the Chamorro language and culture. Johnston helped preserve the Chamorro culture during the war by performing dances and shows for the Americans. When the Japanese tried to wash away the Chamorro language and culture by forcing them to speak and write in Japanese, Agueda Johnston preserved the Chamorro language and culture through her civic leadership. She was seen as a symbol of hope during the war. She helped raise the morale of the Chamorros through her beauty pagents, shows, and the communication of the progress of the war. Johnston was able to bring the Chamorros and the Americans together which can be seen by the Chamorro’s patriotism towards the Americans. Johnston can be well noted as a Chamorro feminist who was Chamorro by birth but an American patriot by choice. Although

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