In the prison system lots of people have Aids/HIV. The largest group that have this disease are the African-American about 5 times more likely to get it or have it in the prison then a white male. And twice as likely to as a Hispanic/Latino male to get diagnosed with it. A study was done in 2010. In the federal prisons they had about 20,093 inmates. The percentage of the inmates that had this disease was at 91%. Most of the inmates that had it was men. (CDC ) In the women side it’s almost the same thing. Most of them who have it is the African-American side. The women are twice as likely to get diagnosed with it. Then white and Hispanic/Latino females. (CDC) There’s third type of inmate that also has it this disease. The homosexuals play a role on the in this prison system to. Not much is still know about the percentage of the role they play in system. But a big factor does play here. (CDC) Stopping the Aids/HIV is hard to prevent do to the fact we can’t stop inmates from having some type of sexual contact with other inmates. The prison system doesn’t give out condoms or any type of protection to them. It’s easier for men to pass it to other men do to the fact of their parts it’s easier to make a contact. In the other side of the …show more content…
To make less people have it. But we can prevent it from spreading. Try to find a cure for it. Sure trying to find it would cause lots of money millions of dollars. Would we make people suffer or waste money to find a cure to save lives? There are company’s out there finding ways to stop of this. How to prevent this from getting out to the general population. Some inmates when they leave the prison can have Aids/HIV and may want to have some type of sexual activity with someone. Now the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) is thinking about making this making it has cheap as possible so prisons can use this method. So that number of inmates with the Aids/HIV will go down.