Air Persuasive Speech

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Good afternoon,
In reference to Colton and his anger/ reward system at school, it can get a little complicated. Colton is a unique individual and is treated as such. Lately, our schedule has been different due to testing. Colton receives one on one accommodations because he requires a scribe for his testing, he then has to wait for the remainder of the class to complete their test and may work on the iPad. Colton does have the iPad as a reward but has not met his goal but one time as part of his reward system.
My room is an outlet for not only Colton and his behavior/anger issues but to whomever may need assistance. I have several students in our classroom which require a behavior plan/reward system. Colton does not have a specific time during the day when he experiences difficulty, yet he appears to be better in the morning. However, he knows how to play the system and if he doesn 't want to work on the task at hand he sometimes acts out so he can vacate the premises. …show more content…

He also has a heart of gold and becomes remorseful when he verbally or physically attacks another. He knows when he does not respond appropriately but says he cannot always help his impulsiveness- sometimes using those exact words since those are words we use at school.
If we can be of any assistance, please let me know. Colton is a wonderful boy with great potential. We just need to continue to direct him in the right way.

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