Ajax Penumbra Character Analysis

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The Key to Evolution and Growth Throughout history the key to evolution and growth is obtaining knowledge. Knowledge is a vital component that stimulates a person's character to evolve. The method of using old knowledge is a traditional teaching that is simple yet full of wisdom for one to grasp on to. The evolutionary instrument that continues to develop a person's character in today’s society would be new knowledge, this is the modern method of utilizing technology to one's advantage of gaining a more current form of knowledge. During the novel, Mr.Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore by Robin Sloan, there is a conflict between old and new knowledge. Constantly throughout the novel there are two distinct characters that demonstrate their utilization …show more content…

The owner of the 24-Hour bookstore truly does utilize the idea of traditional knowledge and the benefits that he grasps from it. Mr. Penumbra is a man who does enjoy the smell of books and the idea of having physical copes to hold because it is simply reliable, As shown in the following passage one can see that this is clear. “Our logbooks,” he [says], running his finger down the line, going back nearly a century.” He [hauls] up the rightmost end and [lays] it on the desk with a heavy whump.”(19). This passage that is in the perspective of Clay is showing that the log book is extremely old, heavy and thick. Those three things together means it is safe to imply that Mr.Penumbra is choosing to use this form of old knowledge because it’s safe and reliable, Mr.Penumbra has owned this bookstore for many years and he has found a lot of success. Nextly is the point of Mr.Penumbra making an effort to embrace the new technology in order to truly grow his character. As Clay Jannon pulls out a Kindle reader to show the features it has to offer, Mr. Penumbra is infact left in awe as to how impressive the device is. “Remarkable,” he says. “And to think I was still impressed by this species”(65). Mr.Penumbra clearly takes an interest in this new technology and he admires how much one could benefit from such knowledgeable tools. This is a great moment because both Clay and Mr.Penumbra were able to really balance out new and old technology to grow their character and evolve as a

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