Climate Change In Al Gore's Film, An Inconvenient Truth

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“An Inconvenient Truth” is a film wherein Al Gore tries to bring across his opinion and views regarding climate change. His main concerns being that people are not aware of how they themselves affect climate change. He wants men to think about their environment and reduce greenhouse emissions.
The film is divided into multiple segments where mister Gore shows a statement, usually backed up with emotional topics rather than scientific facts. A few examples are shrinking of glaciers, the possible disappearance of the Gulf Stream, sea level rise. These claims were not introduced with the necessary evidence to be considered trustworthy. I would like to review these topics and detect whether they are actually true, and discover to what extend human interference has been a cause.

“This is Mount Kilimanjaro in 1970 with its fabled snows and glaciers. Here it is just 30 years later - with far less ice …show more content…

Both of these sources are greatly unreliable and could be manipulated in the films favour.

Despite the bad evidence, Al Gore’s statement is partly correct. Kilimanjaro does indeed seem to be covered with less snow. Two separate scientific groups have found explanations for this phenomenon. The study group around Lonnie Thompson believes that the ice is melting due to the increase in temperature. In this case, Al Gore could be right by blaming the greenhouse effect and putting humans responsible for the damage. On the other hand, there is a study group around Georg Kaser, which believes that ice disappears just by natural sublimation and because of less snowfall the ice appears less white.

Glaciers around the globe are actually shrinking. Many studies have investigated the effect of climate change on the size of glaciers using carbon samples and satellite images. They found out that in 100 years all glaciers could