Alan Oswald Moore's Life Analysis

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It was the day of November 18th 1953 that Alan Oswald Moore was born.He was born in Northampton,United Kingdom. Alan was not the only child he had a brother named Mike Moore.
As a kid he lived with his parents his mother 's name was Sylvia moore who was a painter by profession also a printer and his father 's name was Ernest moore he worked as a brewery. Also his brother lived there as well as his grandmother. He was raised in an extremely poor area of Northampton. He went to Spring Lane Primary School and it was said that Alan was great reader since he was 5 years old.He mostly spent his time reading some British comic strips like The Flash,Fantastic Four and BlackHawk. Then he passed his elevenplus exam and was able to go to …show more content…

But one of his major works was the graphic novel called “Watchmen” it was said that he redefined the the comic book medium changing the tone of comics to date. He has been called the one most important british writers in the last fifty years.In the early 1990s he became more independent and began working on “Epic From Hell” and “Lost Girls” and the novel “Voice Of The Fire”. I think Alan Moore was a very talented writer even though i have never met him before i 'm sure he is a nice person. One of my favorite quotes by him is “There 's no such thing as quitting. Just sometimes there 's a longer pause between relapses”. When he stated this it made me understand that on some things i haven 't really given up on them i have just taken some time away from them and maybe it 's time to try again and finish the right way. I then noticed he had taken time aswell but he didn 't quit. In 1980 to 1984 he was published by Marvel and he have written “Saga of the Swamp Thing” in 1983 it happened to be the first American comic series that Alan moore had ever been hired to write. He had written The swamp thing for three years and he didn 't quit thats awesome. Reading into Alan Moore taught me more about his life and it just so happened that him and his first wife phyllis moore had two daughters their