Albert Einstein Accomplishments

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“Two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity. And I’m not sure about the former.” Albert Einstein was known for his witty and lighthearted quotes. Along with his quotes, he was also a genius who was respected for his intellect and revolutionized many parts of modern day sciences and physics through the formulation of new scientific laws and theories. Having living through both world wars, his life was extraordinary and filled with many adventures, hardships, and revolutionary innovations that shaped and changed the world, revealing his genius to the masses. Einstein was not always regarded as a genius. Growing up, Einstein suffered from a speech difficulty, a slow cadence in his speech that would make him pause and think about what he was about to say next. His hesitation led people to believe he was slow. At age 10, his family started inviting over a medical student to come over to their house for Thursday evening meals. This student informally tutored Einstein, sharing learning materials with him and introducing him to many new things: …show more content…

Einstein began to wonder what a light beam would look like if you could run alongside it at the same speed. If light were a wave, then the light beam should appear stationary, like a frozen wave. Yet, in reality, the light beam is moving. This paradox led him to write his first "scientific paper" at age 16, "The Investigation of the State of Aether in Magnetic Fields." This question of the relative speed to the stationary observer and the observer moving with the light was a question that would dominate his thinking for the next 10 years.”(Albert

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