Tone Of The Good Nazi By Dan Van Der Vat

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The Good Nazi Analysis Under a tyrant’s command, who seemed to have no human morality, one man felt remorse for the things he did, or so he made us think. Dan van der Vat uses tone to show skepticism towards Albert Speer’s true intentions during his run with the Nazi regime. In his novel, The Good Nazi: The Life and Lies of Albert Speer Dan van der Vat goes over all of Albert speer’s, a top-ranking Nazi officer and Hitler’s closest friend, life and decisions. The author uses tone to show Speer’s feelings towards the party, the feelings of those around Speer, and to show suspicions of Speer 's claims and intentions. In Dan van der Vat 's novel, The Good Nazi, the author displays Albert Speer 's human element with an inspective tone. The tone helps to display Albert Speer’s feelings towards the party all throughout the biography. Later after the war, Speer stated, “He had accepted Hitler’s commands and must share the responsibility for their consequences” (304). Here Speer wants to show that although he was only following orders, he shows remorse and deserves punishment. The tone helps to make him seem remorseful and accepting of a punishment. He also claimed to have learned valuable lessons from what had occurred, such as, “I have learned to understand that unfettered ambition can destroy one’s innate awareness of ethical principles” (305). The former Nazi official had also said this in his later life to show that he understood the dangers of power and control. Speer said