Alexander Graham Bell Research Paper

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Intro-Alexander Graham Bell invented one of the world's most utilized technology today. The telephone is used by many for communication, social media, and even entertainment, and transformed the way the world communicates. His work extended to the deaf community Alexander Graham Bell was born on March, 3,1847 in Edinburgh, Scotland. He had difficult Life but soon after got better had a great family except when his dad was over controlling and demands. Bell added “Graham: to his name when he was eleven years old to distinguish himself from his grandfather who had the same name “Graham” it was the name of a Canadian visitor whom bell liked when he was fifteen he was invited for an extended stay visit from …show more content…

His career was to open “Bell's Telephone Company in 1877 and start a school for the deaf community.Bell mainly focused on the telephone and the deaf he was inspired by his mother being deaf and his father's profession inspired him to learn about phonetics.As early as 1865, Bell conceived the ideas of transmitting speech by electric waves in 1875. While he was experimenting with a multiple harmonic telegraph, the principle of transmission and reproduction came to him by March 10, 1876 his apparatus was so far completed sentence “Watson come here i want you “. In 1847 Alexander tried to invent a better telegraph. A telegraph is a machine that sends and receives messages while Alexander was working on the telegraph,he found ways to send and get back sounds with the help of Thomas Watson.Bell began to build the first telephone.Alexander Graham Bell is most famous for his invention of Telephone . In 1876 Bell spoke through h invention of the telephone to Watson. Bell’s patent for the telephone ( Granted in 1876 ) became the subject of Litigation American Inventor “ Elisha Gray “ contested it but Bell’s right to the patent was upheld by the supreme court. Bells was awarded from the Volta laboratory for his invention he established in Washington D.C the Volta laboratory were the first successful sound recorder ,the gramophone …show more content…

Bell worked with Helen Keller since she was six years old. Her parents had taken her to see a special doctor to see if anything could help her eyesight the doctor told Keller's about Bell. Bell had became famous for the telephone in 1876 but when Keller met him he was working on people who were deaf when Keller was on her way to meet bell her words were “ Knowledge is love and light is Vision’’. Keller enjoyed meeting new people and having new experiences from flying in a biplane in order to shoot scene. Alexander Graham Bell became a stanch friend and supporter of Helen Keller after he met her as a young child. Between 1930 and 1957 Keller visited 39 countries becoming a beloved goodwill ambassador. Bell also started an organization called the “ American Association” to promote the teaching of speech to the deaf. He used his money Anne Sullivan to teach Helen Keller. Alexander was also a Philanthropist. A philanthropist uses his or her, money to help people in 1833 Bell used his money to open a school for the deaf children. Bell was also the president of the National Geographic Society from 1898 to 1903 and was made a regent of the Smithsonian institution in 1898.Bell supported the deaf due to his mother being dead and so did his father so he became a scientist and Bell also worked in London with his father whose system of

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