Alexander Hamilton America's Forgotten Founding Father Summary

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oseph Murray wrote “Alexander Hamilton: America's Forgotten Founding Father” to really show how important Alexander Hamilton was in the making of America most of what it is today. Alexander Hamilton lived in the most challenging period of American history, when its institutions were being formed and its direction was being determined. (Murray) When Hamilton was getting a education, the political unrest with Great Britain quickly turned into a crisis that finally started at Lexington and Concord. With Alexander's education interrupted by the Revolution, He Involved himself in the struggle for independence by joining New York’s military as a captain of artillery. He had the chance to be offered a position on the staff of General Washington, …show more content…

One secondary source consisted of “The Papers of Thomas Jefferson.” Julian Boyd and Barbara Oberg were the writers of this famous book series that was published by Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1950–2004. The second secondary source consisted of “Major Butler’s Legacy — Five Generations of a Slaveholding Family” published by the University of Georgia Press, Athens, 1987. The last secondary source is “The Life of Albert Gallatin” by Henry Adams, published by Peter Smith, New York, 1879. Mr. Murray not only just had secondary sources he had many primary sources the first consisting of a book called “The Southern Experience in the American Revolution.” This book was written by Jeffery Crow and published by the University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, in 1978. It really showed how the south reacted and felt about the American Revolution. The second primary source is called “Entangling Alliance” written by Alexander DeConde and published by Duke University Press, Durham, in 1958. The last primary source is written by
Stanley Elkins & Eric McKitrick and it's called “The Age of Federalism The Early American Republic,” and it was published by Oxford University Press in 1993. Murray thanks these writers and many more for the help of his