
Alexander Hamilton Legacy Essay

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In today’s world when hearing the American Dream is often in negative context whether one believe it’s dead or the definition is impossible to achieve however, the dream is still an amazing idea. The American Dream is the opportunity for the pursuit of happiness. In the world renown Broadway show Hamilton: An American Musical Written by Lin-Manuel Miranda, tells the story of Alexander Hamilton an immigrant who started from nothing, and how he became an influential American patriot who shaped the country and obtained the American Dream pursuing happiness being his legacy. Miranda tells the stories of characters such as Alexander Hamilton, and Aaron Burr because they perpetuate the American Dream by showing hard work, self-determination, and …show more content…

This being his legacy he wants to leave on this world. An example would be “If I throw away my shot, is this how you’ll remember me? What if this bullet is my legacy? Legacy. What is a legacy? It’s planting seeds in a garden you never get to see” (the world is wide enough 2:05). This quote exemplifies what Hamilton wanted to achieve at his dying breath. As many people are aware today Hamilton is a famous historical figure on the ten-dollar bill and made a legacy and Miranda gave Hamilton more of a legacy achieving his happiness and pursued it successfully. Hamilton isn’t the only character who Miranda portrays as a follower of the American dream. Aaron Burr shows he excels at taking initiative and taking advantages of all opportunities that come to him. “Schuyler’s seat was up for grabs so I took it” (Schuyler’s Defeat 0:47) Like the American dream, Burr believes he is in the land of opportunity as he takes advantage of the empty seat in government. By taking the seat in government shows Burr won’t let others stop him from achieving what he wants taking initiative to achieve his goals. Being resourceful made him more significant aligning him with the American

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