Alexander Pope's Impact On English Literature

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Eighteenth century Augustan literature is marked by the wit and intellectual conceit shape tone. Even though satire was already a feature of the Restoration literature, it was during the eighteenth century satire and parodies were more widely used across the spectrum of prose, poetry and dramatic works. Poets were arguing what topics are suitable to be exposed as a work of art and what are the proper modes in which a writer can express their ideas. Several authors of this era, such as Jonathan Swift, Alexander Pope, Daniel Defoe, Samuel Richardson and Henry Feilding create an immense impact on literature. It is through the writings of these authors that this era paved way to the development of the novel. However, Alexander Pope’s The Dunciad …show more content…

They believed that if the literature standards are ignored, it will result in cultural degeneration. He wrote An Essay of Criticism and The Dunciad to elucidate on his viewpoint of literary standards. The Dunciad, the long and elaborated mock-heroic poem of Alexander Pope was first published in 1728. The poem is filled with dark brilliance which at first served as a weapon for the personal war Pope had against stupidity and dullness. According to Pope, “Dulness” presides over the literary creations of the hack writers and is promoted by patrons who cannot appreciate art and publishers who prioritize profitability. Thus Dulness is when the literary spirit lacks talent, imagination and good taste. Pope believed that the introduction of the printing press would have a negative impact on the society and in order to protest against the deterioration of Augustan literature, and subsequently the society, Pope deploys The Dunciad as a …show more content…

Pope appreciated literary works that aligned with the values of the Augustan period- reason rationality and logic. When these principles are neglected, there will not be a spark of humanity left and through The Dunciad, Pope appoints himself as a clairvoyant to create a dark yet a vivid image of what the future would be without these values. The poets of the Augustan era bantered and argued on the modes of poetic expression and Pope’s The Dunciad came into prominence since it was a Horatian satire which was more