Alienation in this context meaning extends of making individuals not fit to be in a given group or not to perform some of the tasks mainly due to some of the characteristics common to them. Alienation in many cases makes individuals feel out of place. If this issues in many cases are not addressed the individuals will try to find out ways in which they can cope up with the challenges due to the issue of alienation within them. In this context, alienation means the extent to which the teenagers face some seclusion and lack of understanding especially those superior to them and the psychological factors that is at high levels and need to fight them by themselves. Due to this, the teenagers feel indifferent with the environment that …show more content…
This is mainly due to lack of connections and CATCHER IN THE RYE 3 linkages that exist between the teenagers and the other members of the society. The character also grows up in a society that no matter the efforts put in ensuring there is a perfect fit for the society. This is despite the character being an individual who I many cases like to take actions mainly after inquiring more about the arising issues in the life as youth. Despite the efforts put in collecting ideas from different members of the society, Holden Caulfield does not still feel contented with the solutions giving by the different members of the society including parents and more so the teachers of the different institutions attended during studying process. In some cases, Holden Caulfield making resolutions without consultations brings worse outcomes than expected. This is due to the different norms, values and beliefs found within different societies that shape the characters of different individuals found within the society especially the youths seen as not in a position of not making decisions by themselves. The character also feels distant from the other members of the society, this brings uncertainty of