Temperature: In this experiment, we will examine how the temperature affects the decomposition rate of a cough drop in water. There will be 3 different temperatures (cold, warm and hot) and all of the three experiment will be performed at the same time. Equipment: 3x Hot plates 3x Magnetic stirrers 3x 150 mL beakers 3x Cough drops 3x
Alka-Seltzer is a medical drug that works as a pain reliever and an antacid. The pain reliever used is aspirin and the antacid used is baking soda. When sodium bicarbonate dissolves in water it splits apart into sodium and bicarbonate ions. The bicarbonates reacts with hydrogen ions from citric acid to form carbon dioxide gas and water. This is how the bubbles are made.
The excess bicarbonate however, is responsible for the buffering action of the mixture. This therefore helps in stomach upsets and relieves symptoms of heartburn. The advantages of Alka seltzer are that it is easy to ingest as it dissolves fast due to the components
The control in the experiment is water. Units used while timing the productivity of gas from an Alka-Seltzer tablet in different temperatures is, seconds. In order to find out if temperature controls the rate of chemical reaction, whether hot water is a more effective way to make the gas produce at a faster speed, it would be necessary to compare the results of different temperatures at the end of each trial. In order to do this the scientists will measure the volume of gas that is produced within a 10 second interval time after the tablet begins to react.
This is because varying surface areas create varying amounts of Alka-Seltzer tablet particles colliding with the water molecules from trial to trial, leading to a reaction rate affected by temperature and surface area. To fix uneven surface areas, Alka-Seltzer tablets can be crushed into a fine powder and put through a sift to create a powder of equal size. The powder can then be weighed into equal parts so the surface area and weight are controlled variables. The use of tap water allowed the alka-selter tablet to collide with more than H2O particles (such
”(Factors that affect the boiling point of water.) Overall there are many ways that water 's boiling point can be affected by outside forces, but the focus will be on alkaseltzer tablets and how they influence water 's boiling point. The active ingredients in the alka seltzer tablet are “As the tablets dissolve, the sodium bicarbonate splits apart to form sodium and bicarbonate ions. The bicarbonate ions react with hydrogen ions from the citric acid to form carbon dioxide gas (and water). This is how the bubbles are made.
A buffer solution minimises change in PH of a solution when small amounts of acid or alkali are added to the solution, with an an acidic buffer solutions maintaining a PH<7 (ChemGuide, 2017). It works through an equilibrium, so if the concentration of H+ or OH- are changed, equilibrium will shift to oppose this change and return solution PH to original value. The Alka Seltzer mixture contains an excess amount of the bicarbonate ion which is vital for the buffering action taking place within the solution. This is because the excess bicarbonate ion present, allows the solution to act as a buffer as it’s able to react with small quantities of acids and bases added to the solution, therefore resisting a change in PH by neutralising them.
Introduction Alka-Seltzer has been on the market since 1931 and has helped to relieve indigestion and upset stomach. The tablets began to fizz and bubble when dropped into water. “The fizziness happens when baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) and citric acid react chemically in water. They yield sodium citrate, water and carbon dioxide gas, which causes bubbles.” Based on this information, we will measure the reaction time of AlKa- Seltzer dissolved in 200 ml of water at 3 different tempertures in the first portion of this experiment.
During one experiment the results were, they found out that the higher the temperature of the water the faster the molecules will move and the lower the temperature the slower the molecules move. The molecules are what are make the alka-seltzer dissolve. So if they move slower the alka-seltzer dissolves slower, same as if the molecules move faster than the alka-seltzer will dissolve faster. Also according to a state science fair the results were that it took 19.53 seconds for the alka-seltzer to dissolve in hot water, 36.15 seconds for the alka-seltzer to dissolve in the warm water, and 96.17 seconds (1 minute and 36.17 seconds) for the alka-seltzer to dissolve in cold water. The alka-seltzer dropped in the cold water proved to dissolve the
Alka-Seltzer tablets are used to treat headaches, stomach and body aches and also heartburn. They consist of citric acid (C6H8O7), baking soda (NaHCO3), and aspirin (C9H8O4). The fizzing observed is a result of a chemical reaction between the citric acid and baking soda which form carbon dioxide in turn causing the fizzing. When the tablets are dropped into water they dissolve and dissociate into the ions in the equation: C6H8O7 (s) → 3H+ (aq) + C6H5O7 3- (aq).
In this lab we used two processes called Diffusion and Osmosis. Diffusion is the movement of molecules from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration. Diffusion is a process that requires no energy and involves smaller non-polar molecules. In Figure 1 you can see the molecules spreading throughout the glass from the area of high concentration, so that the areas with low concentration are filled evenly as well. The other process was osmosis.
This is a poster about the density of the plastic of a water bottle, it was a group project with 4 people, including myself. We used scientific method and included all that information on the poster. In the lab, we did 3 trials, each with a different piece of a different brand of water bottle, we made a table, a scatter plot, and a bar graph to organize our data and we also calculated the percent error. The table had trails, volume, mass, and destiny on it, the scatter plot was on mass and volume, and the bar graph was on density and trails, all of this data went into the results section of our poster. After we did the lab, we typed out an introduction, methodology, discussion, and a literature cited.
Exploration Title: Effect of Temperature on rate of Osmosis Submitted By: Abdulkarim Kamal Date Submitted: October 19th 2015 Subject: Biology HL Teacher: Mr. Nick Aim: This is an investigation to determine the relation between temperature of a solution (sucrose) and the rate of osmosis Scientific Context: Osmosis is defined a passive transport process in which a fluid diffuses across a semi-permeable membrane, from an area of high solute concentration to an area of low solute concentration and vice-versa. There are various factors that could potentially influence the rate of osmosis; these factors include volume, concentration, and temperature. If all external factors that may interfere with rate of osmosis are controlled, the results will show equal amounts of fluid on both sides of the barrier (membrane); this is known as an “isotonic” state.
DESIGN PSOW Ajit Rajendran 13H To Determine the Time Taken for a muffin paper cup to reach the ground, while Changing the Height of each experiment Introduction: In this experiment the aim is to determine the time taken for an empty muffin paper cup to reach the ground, by changing the height the empty cup is dropped from. Both variable mentioned are going to measured (height and time taken), when conducting the experiment. In order to have a fair experiment, certain factors will be kept the same throughout the experiment: the same paper cup will be used, the dimensions of the paper cup will be constant (where external factors do not affect the shape), the method in which the paper cup will be dropped.
Introduction The idea of the experiment was devised due to having recent interest of Vitamin C in food contents. My family tends to have fruits and vegetables stored in the freezer. This is due to the hot climate of the country we live in. Therefore, it preserved it for a long period of time and then re-heated in order to be consumed.