All Night Sang Poem Meaning

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“I found the truth beneath your lies, and true love never has to hide” Once you’ve decided on a course of forgiveness, the next step is rebuilding trust, and Compared to William Shakespeare’s “Othello” about a love that claimed to be true, but was plagued by alleged scandal and jealousy in which ultimately led to its demise, “All Night” Sang by Beyoncé claims that true love can overcome any obstacle that may come its way. When in a relationship, or simply in love one may experience deep pain and disappointment, but a true love, will always be able to come out on the other side, although it may take some time, the relationship will be able to rebuild, rekindle, and refocus and above all will be determined to keep going. The song “All …show more content…

She explains that no one is perfect by saying “every diamond has imperfections” and “True love breathes salvation back into me” which I understand to be her seeing her loves faults and forgiving him for them. Throughout the record we hear her discovering, wrestling with, and finally forgiving her loves infidelity. Lyrically the song talks about of course forgiveness, but also rebuilding trust after betrayal, with the protagonist trying to rekindle passion with her lover. The deeper meaning of this song is that of which I have stated before which is that love, that is true and real, can withstand any test and will always find the light at the end of the …show more content…

The second argument I believe she is making she did not say verbatim, it was almost as if I was reading between the lines of the song, analyzed them, and then extrapolated from the information I gathered. That argument is that tears can sometimes signal redemption. Beyoncé realizes her pain has brought her a new experience with her lover. In The Song Beyoncé says “Baptize your tears and dry your eyes” in which she is talking to her lover. Baptism traditionally involves the full immersion of someone into water, in order to cleanse the soul and re-awaken the soul I the manner of the Christ. Contemporary baptism retains a reliance on holy water but focuses more on purification and regeneration of the soul. Whilst Beyoncé says “Baptize your tears” she most likely means the tears as a form of baptism. The tears cleanse the soul of her partner and rid him of his sins. The tears represent a physical reaction to the turmoil and regret he feels for his infidelity. In her song “All Night” Beyoncé claims true love is the greatest weapon to end the war caused by pain. This statement alone