All Quiet On The Western Front Dehumanization Analysis

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The theme dehumanization can be seen in different types of forms for example novel, poetry, art, etc. I will be using the novel, All Quiet on the Western Front, poetry, The Rear-Guard and I will be using a painting, Bathers with a Turtle that was painted by Matisse in 1907.

The dehumanizing art is mostly used to trigger familiar emotions and feelings, and this is really the abiding subject of the viewer’s delight. This art is used as a narcotic way that allows us to enjoy what we are most familiar with, our own emotions. Gasset said: “Tears high noon of the intellect”. Dehumanizing is a means by which we can sober up from the drunken stupor of Romanticism’s emotionalism (Siedell, 2009).

Gasset believes that dehumanization is a process that requires an ever-present tension of subject manner. Gasset said: “The question is not to paint something …show more content…

Sassoon was able to fight in May 1915. He was depressed because of the war but that did not stop him from doing his duty, for that courage he was a well-known man. Because of the fact that he appeared to be completely fearless; his friends called him “Mad Jack”. In Sassoon’s poem he gives descriptions that show the state of the soldier. In the first stanza we can see that the figure is “Groping along the tunnel, step by step” and in the third stanza we get the line “alone he staggered on…” These phrases point out the physical and physiological detachment, well known effects of intendance combat.

Lastly I will be analyzing the novel All Quiet on the Western Front to look for a dehumanizing theme in the novel. Throughout the novel, All Quiet on the Western Front, the young soldiers are affected by the war. Throughout the young soldiers time on the front, they are dehumanized and the also develop an animal instinct while they are completely abandoning their emotions and