
All Summer In A Day By Ray Bradbury

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In the science fiction short story “All summer in a day” by Ray Bradbury a girl Margot is bullied by a group of students who live on Venus. In this story the author establishes the setting using imagery and point of view. The author uses imagery to establish setting. To describe the rain, Bradbury narrates “with the drum and gush of water” and “the concussion of storms so heavy they were tidal waves come over the island.” When the author describes this rain as a concussion that shows that the rain is shaking the planet because of its ferocity.This displays a very violent and mean mood in the story because if it is always ferociously downpouring outside, that means Margot and the students are never able to see the sun, this sets a gloomy mood for the kids but more so for margot because the kids are used to the rain while margot is the only one who has a memory of the sun. Also the sun is your main source of vitamin d which increases serotonin . When Margot was back on earth she was able to see the sun so when she's on Venus she deeply misses what she used to have. In the story when the students lock her in the closet it says “They stood looking at the door and saw it tremble from her beating and throwing …show more content…

She will not get to

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