
Allegory Of The Cave Analysis

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On a regular day at college, many hours go by to answer to typical question, but there are several question on this world of ours that are un-answered such as what is the meaning of life, is there an afterlife, and the one question I want to tackled on, “What is reality?”. The allegory of the cave by Platos found on book seven of “the republic” say’s, “that life is like being chained up in a cave forced to watch shadows flitting across a stone wall”. So what does this mean? Is what we perceive real? Is the news or facts we encounter over that mass media real? How do we know they are real? Why some of us rather spend some much time in front of a monitor that blinds us from what’s real on the other side, such as spend time with our families or go outside and enjoy nature? Well as technology gets more advance thru the decades seems like things will just get worse, so what’s going to actually be life or reality be in few hundred years? Plato an ancient Greek philosopher, teacher and student to Socrates is a well known for his discussion in political philosophy, theology, cosmology, but most of all a philosopher. The allegory of the cave is famous parable that can have a different meaning depending on the person views, life style or beliefs. Plato wanted us to in …show more content…

The internet is the most powerful weapons out there, Anyone with a computer and accessible to internet can freely speak their mind and in their own way, post them where other people can see it, share it, we out being afraid of persecuted their belief about any subject. Anyone can become a philosopher by expressing there opinion on just about anything like events around the world, videos, music, etc. etc. Anyone with a computer and accessible to internet can speak their mind and in their own

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