Allen Dulles Involvement In The Conspiracy

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This is a truthful and well documented biography of the life of Allen Dulles. The detailed account of his involvement in the conspiracy to murder JFK is compelling. Talbot's entire theory rests on just two arguments: the first is that JFK was a saint who wasn't in control of the evil CIA and all its murderous international shenanigans. The second part of his argument is that conspiracy theories are only called such until they're proven right. The Devil's Chessboard by David Talbot is an explosive, headline-making portrait of Allen Dulles, the man who transformed the CIA into the most powerful. Dulles decade as the director of the CIA were dark time in American politics. Calling himself the secretary of state of unfriendly countries, Dulles saw himself as above the elected law, manipulating and subverting American president in the pursuit of his personal interest and those of the wealthy elite Dulles counted as his friends and clients. Targeting foreign leader for assassination and over-throwing nationalist government not in line with his political aims, He employed those same tactic to further his goal at home, Talbot charges, offering shocking new evidence in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. …show more content…

President, statesmen, greedy industrialist all fall victim to his manipulation, evil men look pure when in his presence. When Dulles son is gravely injured, David Talbot asserts his uncaring father throw him to the mercy of the LSD peddling psychiatrists usually concerned with mind control, and so

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