Allen Speller Interview

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The person I interviewed was one of my mentors. In fact this person is like an older brother to me and has helped me in various points of my life. Allen Speller is a business owner and entrepreneur who continues to grow and learn everyday. Allen Speller owns a True Value Hardware store and trades forex during his free time. The first thing I learned from Allen is that, it is very important to meet the needs of your environment. This means you have to know your target market and how to keep loyal customers. In fact you may have to adapt to your surroundings. It is very important to have a unbreakable business model. While interviewing Allen he also explained his specific supply and demand strategy he uses for his True Value store. For example, …show more content…

In fact Allen stressed the fact that in business, success comes from taking risk. On the side Allen trades forex and does well at it. Allen told me alot about developing assets and ongoing sources of income. As a business owner myself I understand the value of time and the goal of escaping the nine to five. There are many other ways to make income other than the nine to five. Allen talked alot about free enterprise and ownership. He ended the conversation saying “don’t limit yourself, nothing is wrong with multiple sources of income, the more the better”. While asking these questions, I soaked up as much knowledge as I can. At this stage of my life I don’t think of myself as being successful. Don’t get me wrong, i'm definitely heading in the right direction, but i'm simply just not there yet. I associate myself with a lot of successful people and I just don’t have the lifestyle they currently have. Success takes time and i'm okay with that. Although i'm not content where i'm at in life right now. I’ve owned my own web based company for over about a year now as an eighteen year old and I continue to invest in the dream. It is very important to feed the dream and follow through with your

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