
Allusion In Animal Farm

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Throughout history, a lust for power has created evil. This evil has the ability to change a person’s character completely. Unfortunately, this lust for power that is so common often results in the manipulation of the intellectually inferior. In the novella Animal Farm, George Orwell tells a story of a revolution, but also of corruption. On the Manor Farm, a group of farm animals work to exhaustion, day in and day out. They receive little for their efforts, no matter how much they produce. When Old Major tells of a peaceful life without man, thoughts of freedom drive the animals of the farm to overthrow their human oppressors. Seven commandments are created for all animals to follow. They finally gain their freedom, but this peace does not …show more content…

The novel’s symbols seem to fit together to create a ‘bigger picture’, or an allusion which helps to carry across the story’s message to the reader. Throughout the book, the author uses allusion. The farm itself could represent Soviet Russia, during the era that it was under Joseph Stalin. The song “The Internationale” plays a very important part in history as the anthem of the Soviet Union.”Beasts of England”, the song of the animals’ revolution, is very similar to “The Internationale”. In the novella, this tune unites the animals and gives them hope, much like “The Internationale” did for the people of Soviet Russia. The lyrics of these songs are similar as well. Since the animals in the story are able to speak, many of them seem to share personality traits of important people in history. It is in this particular way that the author utilizes both personification and symbolism to emphasize his …show more content…

The animals that Napoleon leads resemble the ignorant, but hardworking people of Soviet Russia. These animals are easily manipulated by Napoleon, because they are uneducated. They are oblivious to how unfairly they are treated. Boxer’s motto is a prime example of how the animals look at their government. Boxer often says: “Napoleon is always right!” (48). Though the innocent animals are manipulated by their government, they dispel their own doubts, as it is easier to just believe what they are told than to try and understand Squealer’s random facts and figures. Napoleon, the unfair leader, shares Joseph Stalin’s corrupted character and leadership techniques. This clever pig even trained dogs to stand as his police force, much like Stalin’s Secret

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