Amanda Horn Case

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On 09/08/2016 at approximately 11:00 PM, this Investigator conducted an interview with Amanda Horn (DOB: 04-09-87) in her home located at 1429 S. 15th Ave., Phoenix, AZ. This Investigator advised Amanda of her rights and gave her a copy of DCS Notice to Inform. Veronica agreed to discuss the allegations in the report. According to Amanda, her husband, Travis Horn was arrested two days ago for domestic violence in the home. Amanda stated that she and Travis were in bed arguing when she decided to go into the living room and watch television. Amanda turned up the volume on the television when Travis came out of the bedroom and started yelling at Amanda for turning the volume up. According to Amanda, Travis began hitting her in her face with a closed fist several times until she almost lost consciousness. Amanda stood up, and Travis grabbed her by her hair and proceeded to drag her to the bedroom. Amanda was able to break away and attempted to call 911, but Travis grabbed her phone. Amanda yelled for help, and one of her children called 911. As such, Phoenix Police responded and arrested Travis for felony domestic …show more content…

15th Ave., Phoenix, AZ. According to Trinity, she was at home and heard her mother and father arguing. Trinity stated that she did not see what happened and stayed in her room. Trinity stated that her mother and father argue sometimes, and it makes her nervous when they argue. Trinity stated that only her mother dinks and she "drinks to feel better." Trinity stated that both her mother and father physically discipline her by spanking her. Trinity stated that her father would sometimes use a belt. Trinity stated that she feels safe at home, and she feels safe with both her mother and father. Trinity stated that there is enough food in the home. Trinity denied physical abuse, sexual abuse, or emotional

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