Essay On Amazon Tribe

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The Amazons Superpower or Struggling Tribe Many Nations have narrowed down war and the building of a nation or tribe to a pretty fine art. Many nations and city states were strong and skilled because they had to be. Cyprus the Great himself said “Soft lands breed soft men;wondrous fruits of the Earth and valiant warriors grow not from the same soil”. This was such an important statement it was recorded in Herodotus's book The Histories. One nation that is the embodiment of this are the Scythians more commonly known as the Amazons. The fact that Amazons came from a harsh land made the Amazons successful and enabled them to make or take what they needed for their families and their tribes. The most common myth about the Amazons is that there society was controlled and run completely by women. This isn’t true the Amazons consisted of a society of both men and women where men and women were considered equals on almost every field according to Adrienne Mayor who wrote the book The Amazons Lives and Legends of Warrior Women Across the Ancient World.The reason they trained both genders to do all jobs is because they needed all the help they could get to survive in the harsh area called Scythia where temperatures could easily drop way below …show more content…

So young Amazons wouldn’t spend their time playing games or making forts they’d practice with the bow and arrow or spar with the sword or axe. This training began at a very young age they exact age is unknown because the Amazons didn’t leave behind any written texts almost all the sources were second hand. One of the only sources we have for the Amazons is archeology where we found both men and women buried with war horses and weapons like bows, swords, and