
Ambition In The Great Gatsby And American Gangster

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For generations, the American Dream has been an elusive, but sought- after concept, promising a better life through hard work and resilience, but what happens when the pursuit of this dream goes sour? The unrelenting pursuit of dreams, often fueled by materialistic desires, can have a destructive impact on both individuals and society, as seen in the literary classic The Great Gatsby and iconic film American Gangster. Fitzgerald’s portrayal of Jay Gatsby’s relentless pursuit of goals in The Great Gatsby and Frank Lucas’s unwavering ambition is Ridley Scott’s American Gangster serves as an important lesson, highlighting the destructive nature of unachievable desires, ultimately leading to destroyed lives and the erosion of morality. By observing …show more content…

The obsession with the American Dream and success is a recurring theme in both The Great Gatsby and American Gangster. The protagonists demonstrate an unwavering commitment to achieving financial success and social status, ultimately having destructive consequences. In The Great Gatsby, Jay Gatsby is presented as a mysterious figure, known for hosting extravagant parties. He lives in a lavish mansion in the West Egg where he is widely accepted due to his wealth and social status. Central to his character is the obsession with the American
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Dream and success. For Gatsby, the American Dream is not merely a dream, but it is something he has longed for his …show more content…

They begin making questionable decisions and losing sight of their morality in their quest for the American Dream. During Gatsby’s mission in conquering the American Dream, he partakes in shady activities and develops twisted values. Gatsby’s participation in shady behavior is first brought to light by Tom: “He and this Wolfsheim bought up a lot of side-street drug-stores here and in Chicago and sold grain alcohol over the counter. That’s one of his little stunts. I picked him for a bootlegger the first time I saw him, and I wasn’t far wrong.” (Fitzgerald 118) This quote highlights Gatsby’s involvement in illegal activities. Gatsby was a bootlegger, selling alcohol through drug stores. This is one of the ways in which Gastby has accumulated his wealth. Gatsby’s willingness to commit crimes shows how his ambition for the American Dream turned him corrupt and destroyed his moral compass. Similarly, in American Gangster, Frank Lucas is a victim of corrupt morality due to the desire for success. In the movie, the protagonist becomes strung to committing crime in order to obtain prosperity. This is evident when he is negotiating with Colombian drug dealers, when they refuse to do business with them, he pulls a gun out and shoots one of them. This is one of many examples of the illicit activities he partook in. This goes to show Lucas’ corruption due to the influence of money and success. In conclusion, the pursuit of the American Dream can lead to a corruption in

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