Amelia Earhart Research Paper

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There are many unsolved mysteries in this world. One of these mysteries would include the unusual disappearance of Amelia Mary Earhart. Amelia was well known for becoming the first woman to fly by herself across the Atlantic Ocean. She has become a legacy and a role model to all women due to her many achievements from flying. Until on July 2, 1937, Amelia Earhart took a flight to Howland Island, without even realizing it would be her very last. Now there are many conspiracies attempting to solve the death or possible survival of Amelia Earhart. On July 24, 1897, Amelia was the second child from Samuel ‘Edwin’ Stanton Earhart and Amelia ‘Amy’ Otis Earhart ( Editors). Samuel was an alcoholic but was very determined to …show more content…

There, the famous air racer Frank Hawks, inspired Amelia to pursue a dream to become one of the first women to learn how to fly. While there, Amelia took part in a ten minute plane ride and when she landed she knew she was destined to fly ( Editors). From working multiple jobs, amelia managed to raise enough money to pay for flying lessons from a woman aviator, Anita ‘Neta’ Snook. Amelia would practice for days at the airfield, reading everything that she could on flying. Due to her fear of the other pilots opinions of her style, she decided to cut her hair short and for three days slept in her leather jacket to make it look more worn out ( Editors) . In 1921, Amelia purchased her very first aircraft, a yellow second-hand Kinner Airster biplane. She called it “The Canary” On October 22, 1922, Amelia set a new world record with the Airster of flying fourteen-thousand feet in the air. On May 15, 1923, she become the sixteenth woman to receive a pilot's license, but due to her family's financial issue, in order to support her family Amelia sold “The Canary” and bought a Speedster and named it “Yellow Peril.” Amelia and her mother left their home, and traveled across the country starting from California and ending in Boston. Amelia enrolled into Columbia University in 1925, but was later on forced to leave her classes due to her low finance. Amelia managed to find employment as a teacher, and then as a social worker for children at the Denison House in 1926. Amelia got back into aviation and joined the American Aeronautical Society Boston chapter in 1927. In 1928, Amelia flew passenger across the Atlantic Ocean. Although she wished she could fly solo, she was not prepared for the new technology. In 1930 Amelia created a new world record for flying eighteen thousand and four hundred and fifteen feet with a borrowed company engine. In 1932, Amelia officially received

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