American Beauty Standards Essay

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Imagine having to keep up with the beauty standards of society and constantly changing yourself to please others. Our society is the building blocks to every girl's confidence. Although everyone has their fair share of problems, it is harder being a girl. Girls tend to be more dissatisfied with their bodies and decisions like deciding to go on birth control or not, or breastfeeding in public make it even harder. One of the many reasons why females have it harder is the constant change of beauty standards. Currently, the American beauty standards are ridiculously hard to achieve. American female beauty standards for the body are: being skinny but having curves, thick thighs, having a big butt, a big bust or chest. The list continues with …show more content…

Society is usually harder on a woman. When a woman gets older and doesn’t have children she is often pressured by the people around her. According to Danielle Campoamor, an author to a web article titled “Why Being A Woman is Difficult” on the Huffington Post website, “If we have children we’re giving up on our person ambitions and no longer care about our bodies and have decided to only live for our offspring. If we don't have children we’re selfish narcissists who will later live a life of complete and utter regret while our thirteen cats wait for us to die.” This quote proves that you can’t win if you do or don’t have children society will judge women. Another quote from the same article states, “If we breastfeed we’re drawing unnecessary attention to ourselves and if we bottle feed we’re selfish women who’ve been duped by society not sexualized.” People often see breastfeeding in public disgusting, but the same people will call you out for feeding your baby formula… it’s impossible to please the world. For example, let’s say someone calls out a woman for not wearing makeup, saying, “She doesn’t put an effort in” After hearing this the same woman puts on makeup and the same person calls her out for wearing too much makeup. In this society, you can’t do this without being that, and you can’t be that without being this. One last example provided by the

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