
American Dream Of Freedom Essay

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The American Dream is achievable by every American regardless of age, ethnicity, or their past. An elderly person should be able to pass on a legacy that they created. A college student should have the freedom to choose the career they want to follow. In the same way, a child should have the the ability to follow their imagination to wherever it leads them. is it achievable, the dream of freedom that all american should have. Can the "American Dream" be achieved by the elderly man, the student, the child, the white man, the black man, or even the the person with a horrible past? Does everyone get a fair shot at the dream? Is it achievable by every american regardless of the circumstances? Every generation has a chance at attaining the "American Dream". To an older person who has dealt with the hardships and experiences of life already the "American Dream" has a vastly different meaning than every other age group. Not long ago the "American Dream" was commonly defined as “landing a well-paying job, owning your own home,” fill that home with the things they want, and “ having a family (How).” When the older generation were kids this was their american dream, but is it still their dream? By the time a …show more content…

A teenager’s dream is similar to that of a young adult. While the young adult is after a career, a teenager is often wants to gain a college education. In today's society, teens seem to believe that “a college education has replaced a high school diploma as the gateway to the middle class (Allison).” The change in the "American Dream" isn't much from this generation to the previous one, but it is essentially a different dream. It is the dream of being able to aspire to someone's own goals or even to stay near to home and not move far away. This dream is attainable by this generation. The American Dream, and all of it’s forms so far, is still applicable and achievable by every generation so

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