It is something crucial that people come together to discuss their common issues, needs and matters as a unified group who work to fulfill specific and accurate goals and objectives (Nagy, 2013). These organizations are formal structured, action- approached, issue-oriented and they usually get their power and strengths from the diversity of members who do efforts to develop strategies according to their necessities in order to create change and overcome challenges (Ruderman, 2000). These organizations share decision making to impact an external institution or specific goal (Raynor & Libby, 2011). All what is mentioned above relates to what we call 'coalitions' which can be initiated at a conference, through a meeting or at a workshop (Nagy, 2013). The history of coalition is not a recent one but it is rooted in 1968 when Martin Luther King talked to the public in Memphis to motivate them successfully and rise them up by saying " Move to make America what is out to be. We have an opportunity to make America a better nation" (Nagy, 2013). Later, in 1840, Alexis de Tocqueville who regarded as an international American researcher and was recognized for his research about the American society stated that …show more content…
In 1915, the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) was founded and is headquartered in Washington.D.C., USA. It is a national association which focuses on developing and improving advancing liberal education and undergraduate education. It includes more than 1,300 members of public and private institutions of different community colleges, comprehensive universities and research centers. Its mission statement declares its goal is "to make liberal education and inclusive excellence the foundation for institutional purpose and educational practice in higher education" (aacu,