American Express Membership Rewards

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Question 1 Almost everyone has viewed the Capital One card commercial featuring Jennifer Garner. However, what most do not know is that American Express was one of the first credit card companies to utilize celebrities and athletes to promote their product. The ?My Life, My Card? campaign began featuring famous individuals in 2004 (Solomon, Marshall, & Stuart, 2012). The advertising campaign?s purpose was to permit regular everyday members of society to experience a connection with the celebrity by carrying the same American Express credit card. The company provided personal details that helped consumers to relate to the endorser. The company wanted consumers to regard the American Express credit card as a necessity to facilitate living …show more content…

Incentives are undoubtedly the most important factor when choosing a credit card. A consumer wants the best rate available along with perks for using that specific card. American Express has done a phenomenal job of providing their customers with both. However, there is always room for improvement. To maintain a competitive advantage with other credit card companies, American Express must move beyond the traditional benefits and present exceptional offers that consumers cannot find anywhere …show more content…

The points can be transferred into gift cards at various vendor locations such as: movie theaters, department stores, and major chain restaurants American Express, 2018). An extra benefit of the rewards program is the advantage to spend the points while traveling. They can be utilized for discounts on hotels, car rentals, Uber, and Sea World admissions tickets. If consumers prefer not to receive various gift cards, they can pay for purchases with their points with their American Express card. The points can even be transferred to certain collaborating partnerships. The American Express Membership Rewards Program permits consumers to purposely use the credit card for all purchase to earn point to pay for large

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