II. Introduction Historic Background of the Selected Community Service or Charity The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) is the leading national not-for-profit organization exclusively dedicated to understanding and preventing suicide through research; to educate and advocate; and to reach out to people with mental disorders and those impacted by suicide. The organization was founded in 1987 by a small group of individuals who experienced the loss of a loved one due to suicide. The loss made such an impact that it motivated the group to establish a community organization source for support. Collaborating with other individuals led to the funding of suicide research and education. The organization has funded more than 400 …show more content…
This method has taught over a million students and educators how to be smart about mental health and how to recognize the signs of depression in themselves and others, challenges the stigma surrounding depression, and demystifies the treatment process.Suicide in a school community is tremendously sad, often unexpected, and can leave a school with many uncertainties about what to do next. Faced with students struggling to cope and a community struggling to respond, schools need reliable information, practical tools, and pragmatic …show more content…
Both organizations have often been contacted by schools in the aftermath of a suicide death. Because neither AFSP nor SPRC have the capacity to provide customized technical assistance in these circumstances, this toolkit was created to help schools determine what to do, when, and how. It is a highly practical resource for schools facing real-time crises. While designed specifically to address the aftermath of suicide, schools will find it useful following other deaths as