The American government is associated as being one of the best and most efficient governments in the world. The American government was made by the citizens for the citizens of the United States. That’s why people think that the American government works so well. There are other governments on the other hand, that suppress their citizens. Governments where the citizens have no say in their government and can only let the government do what they want. One of these governments is the North Korean government. These two governments may look like complete opposites, but they do share some similarities between them. America is hailed to be one the best countries in the world. People think this due to the American government being a people’s government, …show more content…
Americans live under a government with a powerful military, same as the South Korean government. America conducts military exercises on a very regular basis. Whether the United States does these exercises in the bases in the United States or their bases around the world. North Korea does the same by testing missile launches. These missiles include North Korea trying to build their nuclear weapons program, which is rivaled by the United States and Russia. Both of the governments like flexing their military muscle to show other countries that they shouldn’t be messed …show more content…
Though, both the countries have these branches, they are used in different ways. In the United States, the executive branch contains the president. The executive branch is the branch that makes all the laws in the United States official. The executive branch also appoints and removes cabinet officials and members. In North Korea, the executive branch is the administrative and executive body of state power and general state management. Unlike the United States, the executive branch in North Korea has no election process due to their only being one candidate. Another branch that is different in the United States is the judicial branch of government. This branch in The United states explains laws and determines whether the law is under the United States constitution. The judicial branch in North Korea works differently than in the United States. In North Korea, the judicial branch does not practice judicial review. This is due to security forces often interfering with the judiciaries actions. This leads to many cases being unresolved. Same as the executive branch in North Korea, there is no competition for the position because there is only one candidate. The last branch of government is the legislative branch. In the United States, the legislative branch consists of the Senate and the House of Representatives. Together they make, discuss, and vote on laws that are made. In