American History Helps Us To Have A Better Future

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By giving us an insight on the outcomes of past tragedies, American history is able to provide us with the hope of a better future. Majority of the history studied today can be used by leaders as an example of what to do and what not to do. According to The Complete University Guide, “everything which is happening around us has been influenced by, and is a direct result of, that which preceded it.” Because there is always one major event that leads to each and every American tragedy or crisis we can be better prepared for the prevention of tragedies in the future. The history in which study not only allows us to be comforted by the knowledge that worse things have happened in the past, but it influences the leaders of today to make better decisions to brighten America’s future. So I ask the question, is history crucial in order for us to have a better future? I can not say that I have lived through a period of national separation like the Civil War, but I can say that ever since the Civil War, America has had a better and brighter future. The Civil War was the complete separation of the North …show more content…

Today our country uses the Declaration of Independence as a symbol of our freedom. Although this document is referring to the separation from Britain it also symbolizes how we who live in America will no longer stand for poor treatment of our nation. This document, which was signed by our founding fathers, gives Americans today and of the future the right of equality. The Declaration of Independence also ensures that we in America have a future of freedom. This famed historical document is able to stay relevant hundreds of years later because it gives hope that future Americans will continue to live a better live than their