“Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it” -George Santayana. Along with poverty, ignorance should be considered one big issue facing the world. Identifying these issues is very important, now that if adequate means are taken to stop or even prevent the issue (ignorance), our society will become a healthier place to live in. True, others may argue that economic crises, corruption, lack of energy and child labor are big threats to our community, but if you dig deeper, you will realize than in a certain way, ignorance ends up creating all of this problems. This piece will expose several reasons on why lack of knowledge is a big matter concerning the world. People do not know who to vote for, young adults are careless, and lack …show more content…
“Responsible” adults are jeopardizing the future of their society by voting for the candidate that is willing to exchange money for votes. Not only his, but people are extremely ignorant about the candidates for the presidency. Additionally, in extreme cases, citizens don’t have knowledge regarding the ruling parties of their country. For example, according to El Tiempo Newspaper from Colombia, there were about 760 cases reported from candidates buying votes. “Jocho” Garcia was exchanging votes for houses. Jose Caicedo, was exchanging scholar kits for votes. When people let their votes be bought, ignorance is demonstrated, leading to the success of a corrupt political party that will weaken the country. When you thought voting conditions could not get worse, they did. According to Venezuelan newspaper El Tiempo, in 2013, there were three unknown candidates running for the presidency. Luis Reyes (Owner of a bakery), Maria Bolivar, Reina Segura and Orlando Chirinos were all a part of “el tarjeton” (along with Capriles and Chavez). Reyes was located and interviewed, he stated that he would run the country based on Christian principles. In the meantime, delusional Sequera insisted on paying one million dollars to each citizen if she won the elections. The fact that there are candidates that do not know the meaning of inflation (Sequera), and the fact that the majority of the country has no knowledge about presidential candidates, demonstrates ignorance that can ruin the country (In case the candidate wins or in case there is a candidate with potential to fix the country). Last but not least, according to Forbes’ article “What no one talks about during the elections: voter ignorance”, only 38% of the U.S knows that the Republican Party currently controls the government. Furthermore, the majority of the United States has little understanding of how money is spent by