American Involvement In Vietnam Summary

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Summary of Evidence
Source A:
Is an extract from the article “America’s involvement in Vietnam”, by Mr Davies. The source basically explains how America’s involvement affected their policy of containment. The validity of this source in terms of how it will help the investigation, is helping answer the question that is asked. Did indeed American involvement fail their policy or was their involvement justified by their policy.
Source B:
This source is an extract from a speech that President Johnson made in 1963. This source will be helpful in the aspect that it’s a primary source and it also gives an American perspective as to why they belived it was necessary for them to get involved in the war. Which will also have a significant input into …show more content…

This source basically explains the “Domino Theory”, which is of course an important aspect in explaining the reason why America thought the prevention of a communist rule in Vietnam should be prevented and its necessity at that stage in the Cold War.
Source E:
Is an extract out of an article called “The Vietnam War” under the sub-heading, ‘Kennedy: 1961-1963’ by a various of unknown authors. The extract gives Kennedy’s reason in terms of why he thought the fight started by Eisnhower should be succeeded And the strategy he also implimanted to try and win the war, and it also explains why an attempt of this plan also failed.
Source F:
This source is also an extract from the article “The Vietnam War”, under the sub-heading ‘The Antiwar Movement’, which is also written by a serious of anonymous writers. The reason behind the inclusion of the extract, is a matter of proving that not everyone in America itself agreed with the War which meant that many people didn’t agree with the policy of containment to the extent in which it was being imposed on the Vietnamise. Which also give an insight into why America ultimately lost the war and also highlight the importance of media coverage and the vital role it played during the course of the war and changing people perspective about