American Red Cross Mission Statement

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American Red Cross Imagine having the life you want. It would be perfect. Then imagine everything destroyed laid in shreds at your feet; no house, no car, and no food. The only thing you have is your some of your family. You lost a child to the natural disaster. It's a free for all. You either cowardly leave your family or sacrifice yourself for them. No one is going to help you after all. That would be the story of a world without a natural disaster relief service program(s). One of the most well known is the American Red Cross, a charity that started to help those caught in natural disasters. Now is has grown into a national powerhouse for helping others. The American Red Cross is a very established charity that uses donations; due to a …show more content…

Their mission statement reads “The American Red Cross prevents and alleviates human suffering in the face of emergencies by mobilizing the power of volunteers and the generosity of donors.” ("American Red Cross Homepage"). What is truly remarkable about this statement is the mobilization aspect. Moving people is difficult, especially large amounts. Also while it may seem easy to mobilize money it is quite the opposite. They have to have relations with major companies to get the supplies needed. Charities can’t walk into the local Wal-Mart and buy everything. The victims of the suffering already have. Disaster relief is one of the things they have been based on since being founded. The American Red Cross’s relationship is as they stated. ”We are an independent entity that is organized and exists as a nonprofit, tax-exempt, charitable institution pursuant to a charter granted to us by the United States Congress.We have the legal status of ‘a federal instrumentality,’ due to our charter requirements to carry out responsibilities delegated to us by the federal government.” ("American Red Cross Homepage") In this charity they have made the decision to work close with the military, even to the point they send volunteers to the warzone with …show more content…

One thing people can do is donate. The donations will go to helping others. They could go a step further and start a fundraiser. All they would have to do is go to the homepage and click donate and then fundraising ideas. It will give them all the information there. They could also volunteer. Just like donating they would go to their website and click volunteer then go on pick the option that work the best for them. People should donate to the American Red Cross because the charity has influence almost no other charity can even compare with. Also they would not just be changing but bettering a life. Just think we are Americans helping Americans. That is part of the American dream. To be free and successful but, but to have friends and people who are willing to help one another. Americans don’t have to fight for food, freedom, equality, shelter, or even our lives. As much as others. That should be reason enough to

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