American Tobacco Industry Ethics Essay

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The idiom “everyone has their vice” has long been held in American culture. With the earliest of instance smoking tobacco occurring not later than A.D. 860, human kind has a long history with this particular vice of choice (UC Davis News & Information, 2015). However, as time progresses, knowledge progresses. The scientific community has now provided proof detailing the specific dangers of smoking, which come in bounty. In light of new information generally comes reevaluation. The time has come to reevaluate the ethics concerning the global distribution of cigarettes by American tobacco companies.
Tobacco Industry Ethics
Currently, there are many ethical grey areas in legislation regarding the global distribution of American branded cigarettes. Some policies regarding this specific type of potentially hazardous product have already been adopted domestically. The way, means, type, content, and target audience of tobacco products is closely scrutinized and regulated in America. Furthermore, warning labels expressing the health risks accosted with smoking are mandated wherever tobacco advertising is permitted. Unfortunately, not all countries are privy such …show more content…

Domestically, the United States depends on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), a subdivision of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), to regulate tobacco products. A separate entity, The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, a devision of the U.S. Department of Treasury, has oversight of tobacco trade. There is also some supplemental regulations, such as the Prevent All Cigarettes Trafficking Act (PACT), which focuses on ensuring anyone who “sells, transfers or ships for profit cigarettes” must “register with the tobacco tax administrator of the state and the United States Attorney General” and file a monthly Cigarette Sales Report, as well as a Tobacco Sales