American Voodoo Research Paper

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What is Voodoo? Voodoo (also spelled Vodou) is an ancient West African religion that is practiced by more than 30 million individuals in Benin, Togo and Ghana. Voodoo mixtures also exist in the United States, and the Caribbean. The expression "vodou" originates from the dialects of West Africa, and it signifies 'spirit'. Voodoo practitioners (who are called Voodooists) accept that the universe of the spirits imparts the universe of people. At the point when an individual dies, his soul goes to the universe of the unseen however is still capable to see the human world. Spirits, it is accepted, now and again can even affect the universe of the living. History of Voodoo. The religion of Voodoo travelled across the Pacific ocean when caught slaves went to the Americas from Africa, more than 400 years back. Diverse Voodoo conventions blended and framed the distinctive varieties of Voodoo we see today in the Americas. Voodoo adherents and experts keep alive an oral custom of their religion and society which incorporates ceremonies, serenades, and the utilization of a variety of voodoo supplies including dolls, candles, and other gear. The three primary assortments of Voodoo are Haitian Voodou, Louisiana Voodoo, and West African Vodun. …show more content…

Haitian Vodou began in the Caribbean nation of Haiti, and is an aftereffect of the combo of convictions and practices from the West African religion, Roman Catholic Christianity and Arawakian beliefs. The essential belief of Haitian Vodou is that spirits or divinities called Lwa, which are subordinate to a higher god called Bondye, can and do reach out to the human world and can influence change past the spirit world in which they 'live'. Bondye, the preeminent being of the Vodou religion, does not meddle with human undertakings, so the majority of correspondence and requests to God of Haitian Vodou is coordinated towards the

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