America's Original Sin Analysis

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Headlines around the nation are muddled with pointless news of Uber’s competition rising and teachers finding a way to get children to eat vegetables when they should be focused on the racial injustice happening in our country. The countless amount of people whose names didn’t meet the requirements for an “exciting news story” need to be heard so we can truly understand the growing epidemic in our country. More often than not, white Christians are convinced that minority deaths with a police officer involved are only incidents. In the cases with Freddie Gray or Tamir Rice, many believed race did not play a factor in the officer 's reaction. Jim Wallis, the author of “America’s Original Sin: Racism, White Privilege and the Bridge to a New America” and founder of …show more content…

I agree completely with Wallis’ opinion about the need for social and reform. Wallis spells out what white Christians--or people in general, not just Christians--are doing wrong. I agree that their beliefs are somewhat distorted. When he says that we have enabled racism, he is correct. I have been a victim of racism before, but it was not extreme like a majority of the cases happening now. In either case one thing is constant: ; white is the “superior race,” even though we are all the same. The quote that Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “Judge me not by the color of my skin, but by the content of my character,” is still not true. Wallis did not explicitly say it, but his thoughts imply he believed that racial stereotypes are heavily used and influence people 's decisions. The amount (70 percent) of Christians that believe the murders of African Americans are simply incidental, and that race played no factor, utterly disgusts me. I believe the percents are accurate, but not precise. It should be the average of the lowest and highest percentage for each racial group individually to get a precise representation. Whatever percentage is chosen, there is still an obvious issue with acceptance in our