In this present essay I would present you the “Amistad” events, and all the thing relational to the film “Amistad”. The film was directed by Steven Spielberg, he do many movies and Tv shows directed by him, The “Amistad” film was released in 1997, the movie starts in 1839 the slave ship Amistad set sail from Cuba to Africa, in that times the slavery and the racism were continue, so they think they were of Cuba but they are of Africa. During the long trip, Cinque leads the slaves in an unprecedented uprising. They are then held prisoner in Connecticut, and their release becomes the subject of heated debate. Lawyer Roger Baldwin to help his case.
1839, Amistad is the true story of a revolt on the Spanish slave ship Amistad, whose cargo of 53 Africans rebelled against their captors. Captured off the coast of Connecticut when their desperate attempt to sail home failed, the Africans are forced to stand trial for the murders
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Although repeatedly called into public office, he devoted himself through life to the profession of his choice, attaining the highest distinction, especially in the discussion of questions of law. His defense in 1841, of the rights of the Africans of the Amistad, is particularly celebrated, both for his ability and for the importance of the case.
In 1839, fifty three illegally purchased African slaves being transported from Cuba on the ship Amistad managed to seize control of the vessel. They killed two crew members and ordered the remainder to head for Africa.
In my opinion was an great movie, because instead to be entertainment it is educative for all the audience, talking of audience the movie is for all the people but I think the people that are sensible it can be a little bit bloody for all the people, I like all the drama de movie was taking the best part it is when they slaves were out of the jail and the slavery, also the part when Roger Baldwin win the case that an very great part in the