Amon Schindler's Accomplishments

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Schindler was positioned to work at Plaszow, a labor camp established in Krakow in 1942. Amon Goeth was the commandant of Plaszow which meant life there was very grim and awful. As time went on, Schindler took Goeth’s place as Hauptsturmführer, chief platoon leader, which made life for the Jews much easier. Although Schindler was very much capable of leaving the Jews and living a life as a rich man, he did the opposite ( Schindler was very concerned for these Jews. Whatever money he didn’t spend on paying off the Nazi Officials he used to protect, feed, and care for the Jews. Since he was commander, he altered the camp’s rules and regulations to the point where it became a concentration camp rather than a labor camp. …show more content…

He spent all the money he had to buy food, clothes, and medications for his jews. Emilie Schindler, Oskar Schindler’s wife, worked in the secret sanitorium he had created in the factory. Though it may seem like Schindler was sly with his works, there were still many risks that he was taking which resulted in him often being arrested and imprisoned for what he was doing. Around 1944, the Nazis had planned on closing all factories that did not produce warfare equipment or that did not generally benefit German soldiers in the war. This was bad for Schindler and his factory because they produced cookware rather than being involved in manufacturing items that would benefit the war. He decided that they would begin constructing anti-tank grenades. He also transferred his factory to Brunnlitz along with his workers in October of 1944 …show more content…

Schindler, in 1957, ended up bankrupt ( This was unfortunate, but there were many failures ahead of him, so many in fact that his life was nothing but failure after failure until he died! Shortly before his death he mentioned that he wanted to be buried in Jerusalem. A man by the name “Poldek Pfefferberg” asked what his meaning to as though be buried there was. According to, Schindler said,”My Children are there.” Schindler moved away parting with his wife, Emilie, back to Europe. Schindler spent millions to protect and save Jews, this was all the money he had. Sadly, but boldly Mr.Schindler died penniless on October 9, 1974 in Hildesheim, Germany. The survivors of the holocaust that were saved by him are forever grateful. One of the greatest parts of Schindler’s work saving jews was, he allowed the jews that were saved to tell their story after the Holocaust, the undersigned Jews from Krakow, inmates of Plaszow concentration camp, have, since 1942, worked in Director Schindler’s business. ( Since Schindler took over management of the business, it was his exclusive goal to protect us from resettlement, which would have meant our ultimate liquidation. During the entire period in which we worked for Director Schindler he did everything possible to save the lives of the greatest possible number of Jews, in spite of the tremendous difficulties;