Amusing Ourselves To Death By Neil Postman

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In Neil Postman’s Amusing Ourselves to Death the writer tries to prove the fact that media has a powerful impact on people because makes them accept whatever it says, using persuasion, their emotions and the fact that they believe that whatever is been said must be true and right. Therefore, what the author tries to say is that too often people think nothing of what they see or read in the media and they simply accept everything. In this first chapter of the book, The medium is the metaphor, he proposes that "our media-metaphors classify the world for us, sequence it, frame it, enlarge it, reduce it, color it, argue a case for the what the world is like"(page 10). By this quotes, I consider he shows us that people does not realize the way that …show more content…

By this statement he expresses the idea that ”the news of the day” could not exist without proper media to give it expression and they should not exist if it were not at all the “Age of Typography”. By this expression, ”the news of the day”, he talks about the fires, wars, murders and love affairs which happen, ever and always, all over the world. What I think about this argument is that ” the news of the day” would not exist in public culture if there was not the advent of the telegraph, because without a means of transmission people of a particular culture would not have been allowed to exchange messages and therefore, people could not attend to all the fires, wars, murders and could not include them in their daily …show more content…

Postman explains how the “Age of Television” requires all communication to take the form of entertainment and he says "all public discourse increasingly takes the form of entertainment", giving the President, Ronald Reagan, ”a former Hollywood movie actor”, as example, because he was the king of man who was always worried about his appearance than his ideas. Referrring to Marshall McLuhan’s aphorism, ” the medium is the message”, Postman suggests that is not accurate and calls it “ in need of amendment” because he thinks that the medium is the ”metaphor” for culture and he also suggests that McLuhan was limited in saying this thing. To affirm this argument, he opines: “For on television, discourse is conducted largely through visual imagery, which is to say that television gives us a conversation in images, not words.”(7), and by this quote, we see how is strengthened the idea that the "Age of Typography" has turned into the "Age of Television". In reality, giving the two ”Ages”, we can say that in the world are two cultures: an oral culture and a written culture, because none has replaced the other one, but both continue to exist. Personally I would not say that typography has been replaced by television, rather, people prefer to listen instead of read the news, but that does not mean that there is no more printing