Amy Chua Day Of Empire Chapter Summary

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In the book day of empire by Amy Chua, the idea of tolerance is very important for empires and hyper powers. Amy Chua explains what empires and hyper powers are and the difference between the two. In order for an civilization to grow it has to have tolerance or equality. Tolerance is when an empire accepts people for who they are no matter what their religion, race, or ethnicity. When tolerance isn't present there are many conflicts/disputes that will lead to the fall of the empire. The 1st chapter starts out with the Achaemenid Empire. The empire starts with the ruler Cyrus The Great. In 550 BC Cyrus The Great led a rebellion and took control of the Median kingdom. The people of the empire loved Cyrus because he was tolerant and treated everyone fairly well. Cyrus decided to expand his rule by taking over the Lydian Kingdom in 539 BC. This gave him power over the largest empire by having the Lydian, Median, and Babylonian in his hands. After came his son, …show more content…

The Rome empire rose after the fall of achemind. The roman empire was founded by romulus in 753 BCE. It respected the cultural and religious beliefs of people. People of high power were generally educated. Power was different through the roman empire. Women had limited rights and were very strict on they were almost excluded from life of the civilians. Rome had many ties that helped them if they had any issues with enemies. Rome fell when it had too much tolerance and the people rebelled back leading the crumble of the roman empire. Though rome accomplished many things. It was a symbol for globalization, markets, and free trades. Rome became very flashy and attracted many people. It also made peace treaties that allowed them to have very good trading. Rome was used for trade, seafaring, and farming. They also created a citizenship system that placed many as "high officals" and gave them many rights. It was almost given to anyone nevertheless who they

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