Amy Krajeski The Naked Brand

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The naked brand is a documentary which focuses on how corporations have a big effect on the world positive or negative and that advertising for these corporations is becoming less effective. This is because people simply do not trust these corporations because lies which corporations told us like how cigarettes are not bad for your health. Nowadays people turn elsewhere to find out the truth like the internet. With the help of social media consumers are able to find out information about corporations and products very quickly. An example of this could be Amy Krajeski a person who does reviews on every product she purchases. She states when she started that there were not many people who did the same thing as her but now online reviewers are …show more content…

This was a problem because what nike sells is not just a shoe but rather a lifestyle and with this image of an image associated with the brand was being threatened. The document then talks about how Dara created an app called good guide which allows for one to find products which meet their criteria in areas such as health or even environment. We see there will be a war between the Ads trying to creep into your life and the tools you can use to find the truth to these ads. The company Patagonia launched a segment on their website called the footprint chronicles which details how and where the products are made and the good and bad about them. We see that basically clear is the new clever as people are all skeptics nowadays as we have basically heard it all. Walmart called upon Patagonia to help them improve their transparency and their changing their value chain in order to benefit their company and how to improve transparency. The company Unilever announced that they would half their carbon footprint but double their profits. And have already reported large savings from this project and it is noted that with the massive amounts of people who us e their products there is no such thing as a small decision. Under armour starting clothing line which starts with recycled bottles. …show more content…

The company would give grants to projects which are voted for by normal people. It is then stated that advertising for a company will go a lot further if the companies instead invested in selling a better product. They also talk about why virgin airlines is a very good company compared to other airline companies. They state that they do not necessarily get you to your destination faster or cheaper but they make the moments in between pleasurable for the company. Virgin airline invested in making the flight experience for the customer much better rather than just spending 100’s of millions on advertising like other airlines. Virgin has built itself a brilliant brand reputation so anything which has virgin on it you have a general idea of what it’s about because of the brand. It is also stated that consumers in this day and age retaliate if they are treated badly by a company and a video of a man berating an airplane company which broke his

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