Amy Tan Two Kinds Essay

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In Amy Tans story “Two Kinds” The author argues that not everybody is the same, and some want to obey and some want to pursue something they more interested in instead of something somebody else want them to do. The story says “Those who are obedient and those who follow their own minds” (tan pg. 412). This paper will analyze Tan story from the viewpoints of the daughter who wanted to follow her own dream, become something better, and grow out her mother grip.

The narrator of "Two Kinds" is a Chinese American Girl who is in a constant struggle with her mother over her identity. The struggle begins when the family moves to America after losing everything in China. The mother and child watch Shirley Temple movies and read stories …show more content…

Neither of us talked about it again, as if it were a betrayal that was now unspeakable. So I never found a way to ask her why she had hoped for something so large that failure was inevitable” (tan 503). this quote shows how she felt after she disapointed her mother.

When i say she grew out her mother grip i mean she became her own person. She found herself as of seperating from her mother and doing what she wanted. Even though her mother was angry and heartbroken she forgave her daughter. the story says “ So she surprised me. A few years ago she offered to give me the piano, for my thirtieth birthday. I had not played in all those years. I saw the offer as a sign of forgiveness, a tremendous burden removed” tan 509). this quote shows that her mother forgave her and understood why she did it. This analysis shows three different viewpoints from the story “two kinds” from Amy Tan. Amy tan argues that not everybody is the same, and some want to obey and some want to pursue something they more interested in instead of something somebody else want them to do. The text says “Those who are obedient and those who follow their own minds” (tan pg. 412). Amy tan argues her point very well and describes it great in the story because i understood her point