Amy Winehouse: Opioid Addiction Or Substance Abuse?

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In the award-winning song “Rehab,” the lyrics went, “They tried to make me go to rehab but I said, ‘No, no, no’” (Winehouse, 2006, track 1). Amy Winehouse vocalized a song about being told to enter rehabilitation, in which she declined. Ironically, years later, Winehouse was in and out of rehab for substance-abuse treatment before she passed away in 2011 due to alcohol intoxication (Goldstein, para. 9).Winehouse, like many others, unfortunately suffered or suffer addictions to drugs and alcohol. From the article “A New Paradigm for Opioid Addiction: More Drugs,” author Alice Park (2016) reported, “More people died of drug overdoses in 2014 in the US than in any other year […] Over the past 17 years, rates of opioids-overdose deaths have …show more content…

Many who suffer from substance-abuse addiction have constantly fueled their indistinguishable desire for drugs and alcohol. Addiction stems from the repetition of an action caused by a cue, leading to pleasure for the individual; this three-step process is most commonly known as a habit. Author James Clear (2016), who based his article “The Habits Guide: How to Build Good Habits and Break Bad Ones” on Pulitzer Prize winner Charles Duhigg’s scientific research-based book The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business, defined habits as “the small decisions [one] make and actions [one] perform every day” (para. 1). A habit can be broken down into three parts which Clear refers to as the Three R’s: reminder, routine, and reward. Reminder (cue) triggers the routine (action) to achieve the reward (pleasure). The time span for a behavior to become a habit is a little over two months (Clear, 2016, para. 19). However, the time it takes to break out of a habit cannot be measured due to conditioned behavior being difficult to unlearn. Clear (2016) stated, “At least 8 out of 10, [people] are more likely to fall back into [their] old habits and patterns than [they] are to stick with a new behavior” (para. 12). This statement solidifies that habits are not easily

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